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Paulinha says abolished briefs: 'When I use, is thinking of seduction'

'I do not like big panties. Should have warned before, 'shoots Paulinha to observe the lingerie for his essay for Paparazzo- which airs on Tuesday, 20 - separated in bed in one of the rooms of the house where took place the photos in Rio A. producer explains to the participants of the 11th edition of 'Big Brother Brazil' that there are smaller panties options, but the outfits have transparencies and sexy lace.
 'It is I, lately, not use more panties. My gynecologist told a time to sleep without underwear, I began to sleep well and enjoyed it. When use is thinking of seduction. On a daily basis, do not use anything. And I'm not a big panties. And like black or red, dark color only. Like most aggressive things, 'says the former BBB.

see one of the Paparazzo team members arrive with a bag of French bread for breakfast, Paulinha jokes: 'Wow, so much bread? I'll make photo with French bread? '. Then, as he signed some documents, looks at the long red painted nails and said, 'This nail is horrible to write. It acrigel (laughs). '

Good-natured, she said she saw a lively group at the corner bar. 'Already, I will be down for a beer with these people. Are 8 am and are already there in the bar. ' After losing 42 pounds, says that began to receive more attention from the male audience and hear everything on the street. 'Rola more 'taração'. I hear very 'hot', 'his horny', 'it'. Had a comment on my picture on the Internet that even blacked out. It said: 'Before I felt for you, today I feel horny.' '

During makeup, Paulinha strip face photos to go giving the result. Asked if now feel more beautiful, explains that his self-esteem was always steadfast even when I was overweight. 'The man sees you the way you see yourself. My friends say that I like so much that when one knows me, comes to see me the way I see myself. Received many sung cats men and my friends were impressed, 'says.

'There was a ballad that they tried to show me a beautiful face, but I was not seeing. They were all 'if wanting' to him. Then guess who he wanted? . I I told them, 'You see? You get there just eating leaf, gives it, are all weak, do not take anyone '(laughs) ', jokes. 'Of course I feel much better now, but I was never unhappy when he was chubby' he said.

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