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Money changer's former lover Alberto Youssef hides money in panties in the January issue of photo 'Playboy'

Taiana Camargo, the CearĂ¡ 30 years, is the cover of 'Playboy' January. The girl is money changer's former lover Alberto Youssef, pivot scandal that resulted in Operation Wash Jet. In one of the photos of the test, which hits newsstands on Tuesday, it appears with dollars in transparent panties. The photos were taken by the American Autumn Sønnichsen.

The romance between Taiana Camargo and Alberto Youssef ended in March, when he was arrested. She and the money changer met when the girl moved to SĂ£o Paulo to work with sales. According to the Federal Police, her number appeared in 10 222 Youssef cell between 2010 and 2013.

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