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Nubia Oliiver: 'footballer is as absorbent, use and throw away'

Always controversial, Nubia Oliiver account that every woman should one day should 'prove' a football player. Behind the Paparazzo, the 41 year old model, which will flaunt your curves in the test which airs this week, said he already ventured too with the stars of the ball.

 'That body does not exist, is a delight, but football player is absorbent equal, you use and throw away. The football player's body is wonderful, but relate to it is complicated. Of course, every rule has its exception, but it is one in a million. I've got some famous, but it was in the past. Women need to experience the players, they have beautiful legs, good grip, but today is no longer my not 'he said.

The model also says that without sex, there is no relationship:.. 'It has to start there (sex) If not roll kiss, sex, smell, does not go forward I am still very active 41, menopause has not arrived, not got lazy, like a lot of sex. Within four walls have to be worth all, have to explore all, both the man and the woman, I think the rights are equal. I think that both the body of the man, and the woman has to be explored. But of course, for this to happen, I think you have to have a certain intimacy with your partner. '

In bed, Nubia reveals his preference: 'I like to be dominated, want to learn, can dominate me like that I love all positions, but I think the best is Mom and Dad, because then you get at all, kisses on the mouth.. Now when you are wild, going four right? '

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