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Nanda Guimarães poses sensual and reveals secret of corpão: 'Hot Yoga'

 Nanda Guimarães, Queen of Union Park battery Curicica, the River, and known to be double of Alicia Keys, posed sensual and told one of the secrets to keep corpão.

'Mallet lot and have a balanced diet. Now that we are getting close to the Carnival, as intensifico workouts and even because of the end of year festivities. Recently stuck to hot yoga, practiced in heated rooms which increases sweating and fighting the liquid retention, 'said the brunette.

'Using exactly the same shade used on the face. First do an exfoliation to remove dead cells from the bottom. Then use a spray with caffeine to tone and fight cellulite and dpois do a peel to leave the skin lisinha and eliminarmanchas butt. Before applying the mask, which is on the skin for 20 minutes, do a good modeling massage. I apply the mask 15 in 15 days, 'said Nanda.

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