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MC Carol sensualizes and says, 'I am fat, desired and much loved'

MC Carol, who became famous for her song 'My grandmother're crazy,' posted a picture sensualizando on your Facebook profile. But what caught the eye was the same wonderful legend.

'It's over this bullshit that need to be thin to be sexy, be accepted, to be loved and blah blah blah blah ... Who has to accept me, me, the world Fuck! I'm hot, I'm happy, I'm sexy, I'm fat, desired and loved! Self-esteem for me is garbage kkkk ... Another thing, only speaks of my life is when your example, 'he wrote in the caption. In the comments, Carol received numerous accolades: 'Diva', 'beautiful', 'Goddess', 'Look at that sexy', among others.

Mc Carol (Foto: Reprodução/Facebook)

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