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Sheislane hayalla is inspired by Juju Salimeni

Sheislane Hayalla, which became known after starting the winner of the crown of Miss Amazonas 2015 contest, want to leave all this back story. The change is such that the model did not want to know more or dry the body of misses '. Do not want to miss body fitness and I want to be my muse of inspiration is the Juju Salimeni,' she said on the sidelines of the campaign underwear Cherry.

The former Miss gained 8kg and left the dummy 34 to 36. She mesh every day and runs on a sandy beach. Sheislane also eliminated fried foods, pasta, breads and foods with gluten. 'I live for sweet potatoes, eggs, meat, chicken and fish and detox juice,' she said, which at the time was participating contest came to weigh 49 kilos. Today, she is 57 Kilos.

Sheislane Hayalla  (Foto: Mauro Jorge / CM Midia )
Sheislane Hayalla  (Foto: Mauro Jorge / CM Midia )
Sheislane Hayalla  (Foto: Mauro Jorge / CM Midia )
Sheislane Hayalla  (Foto: Mauro Jorge / CM Midia )
Sheislane Hayalla  (Foto: Mauro Jorge / CM Midia )
Sheislane Hayalla  (Foto: Mauro Jorge / CM Midia )
Sheislane Hayalla  (Foto: Mauro Jorge / CM Midia )
Luisa Girão
Photos: Mauro Jorge / CM Midia

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