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Woman melon on over sequinho body: 'Featured in the butt'

Renata Frisson, a melon Woman is celebrating with her new body. Nine kilos thinner, the funkeira posed for a photo shoot with Patrick Brito.

 In clicks, Renata appears with much less muscle than in the past. 'I'm loving me more skinny! My body is more sequinho and less muscular. The more thin, who stands out is the butt and breasts. Well now, butt and chest is all good to let the hot woman you know? You do not have be 'big one', 'said the funkeira.

Renata also featured what was the change made in your workouts to achieve the expected result. 'Pego less weight and more reps now, nothing to pick up heavier. I'm in 'Princess' stage,' joked Renata.

Mulher Melão  (Foto: Patrick Brito / Divulgação )
Mulher Melão  (Foto: Patrick Brito / Divulgação )
Mulher Melão  (Foto: Patrick Brito / Divulgação )

Marília Neves
Fotos: Patrick Brito

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