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Ana Paula Xavier Thais Eid and Vanessa Alcantara promise: 'We have come to cause'

Ana Paula Xavier, who made a kitty to buy their costumes, Thais Eid, Brazil 2015 muse, and Vanessa Alcantara, named the new Andressa Urach, prepared together to get on the promenade by the samba school Academic of Tucuruvi at night this Saturday 6 and showed rapport.

Vanessa Alcantara, Thais Eid e Ana Paulo Xavier  (Foto: Celso Tavares / Ego)

Thais to like to pose nude, but she was a little afraid to go out with silicone 500ml in fully naked breasts. 'I was afraid because the chest was much from the outside, but I thought I was beautiful and more comfortable,' she says, who posed with Vanessa Alcantara and Eid Thais still in the hotel 'We came cause'

Vanessa spoke about his inspiration. 'I'm inspired courage Andressa Urach and not in error. It is not easy to have the courage to do what she did. I'm willing to be a show woman, would do many things for fame,' she says, which would pose naked. 'I have no problem with nudity. This has to be looked small. It has a beautiful naked with art.'

Ana Paula Xavier does not dream down, no. She wants to unseat Aline Strike and be battery Queen of Academic Tucuruvi. 'I'll put my breasts and next year I want to be queen. I'm tired of being muse. People even call me Summer, name it,' says Ana Paula.
But it ensures that no stumbles all the fame. 'No more useless thing, this year I want to do useful things. I'm doing theater, I opened a clothing store in the South and want to open my brand.'

Bárbara Vieira

Ana Paulo Xavier  (Foto: Celso Tavares / Ego)

Ana Paulo Xavier  (Foto: Celso Tavares / Ego)

Thais Eid (Foto: Celso Tavares / Ego)

Thais Eid (Foto: Celso Tavares / Ego)

Thais Eid (Foto: Celso Tavares / Ego)

Vanessa Alcantara (Foto: Celso Tavares / Ego)

Vanessa Alcantara (Foto: Celso Tavares / Ego)

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